Home improvement projects are a satisfying hobby for many and a great opportunity to cut back on costs for others. Transforming your home at a fraction of the ...
Fit Tea is a "detoxifying tea blend" that combines three forms of tea with a number of other plant-based ingredients. The manufacturer boldly claims that the ...
Organic food products are nothing new. Ironically, the modern concept of organic food arose as a backlash against the use of synthetic products in farming ...
It might come as a surprise for some to learn that total global sales of energy drinks now surpass $50bn annually. For those under a certain age, however, this ...
The debate has raged about the usefulness of Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements for what seems like forever. Critics of BMI make many important points, but in ...
Plexaderm is a "revitalizing, anti-aging skin cream" marketed by the company Sheer Science. It is seen frequently on shopping channels and in commercials. ...
Brewing perfect espresso at home is both a glorious luxury and a shrewd investment. Of course, the perfect machine for one person won't necessarily be ideal ...
Business and self-help gurus are a much-maligned lot and the reasons why are plentiful. Many dress up self-evident truths as insight, peddle convoluted advice ...
We have all heard the hype surrounding detox tea. Purported weight loss is one of the key reasons why many of us have taken the plunge into trying one or more ...
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